
Showing posts with the label plastic waste

Vary Tech

's P lastic W aste to F uel  technology: Pioneering a N ew A pproach to " W hite P ollution" M anagement The rapid increase in global plastic waste  poses an unprecedented environmental crisis to the Earth. It is estimated that by 2040, without taking action, plastic pollution in the oceans will nearly triple. To address this global issue, Vary Tech has introduced oxygen-free pyrolysis technology, opening a new path for managing "white pollution".   Table of contents: New Pathways for Plastic Waste Technological Advantages of Oxygen-free Pyrolysis Wide applicability and efficient processing capability Efficient thermal energy utilization and cost saving Outstanding environmental protection advantages Safe and stable operation of the production line     New P athways for P lastic W aste Traditional plastic treatment technologies, such as crude oil refining, have multiple technical and environmental limitations: low heat transfer efficiency, excessive